Monday, January 9, 2012

Jamaica Plans To Cut Ties With British Monarchy

Jamaica Plans To Cut Ties With British Monarchy:

KINGSTON-Jamaican Prime Minister, Portia Simpson miller plans to cut ties with the British monarchy and declare Jamaica an independent republic.

Jamaica has been independent for almost 50 years as it left the British Empire in 1962, but the Jamaican constitution still lists Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II as the head of state.

Aljazeera reports:

Speaking at her inaugural address on Friday, Portia Simpson Miller, said her government would “initiate the process of detachment from the monarchy”, establishing a republic with a president as head of state, and breaking off links with the former colonial power.

Jamaica is a constitutional parliamentary democracy and also a Commonwealth realm.

“I love the Queen. She’s a beautiful lady and apart from being a beautiful lady a wise lady and a wonderful lady. But I think time come,” Simpson Miller said.

Read More At Aljazeera

Let see how far this goes.

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