Friday, August 14, 2015

VitalGroundz Salute

vitalgroundz: Hip Hop is you, its me – its Now Generationz (Grandmothers & Grandfathers grew up under this). It’s an evolution of the Soul, from those who have not… From the Beginning we have always lived by Rhythm and created Tempos in everyday Life: from Folklore, Hymns, Jazz to Soul Dub and R&B. Hip Hop is simply the title of the child created from all the above. It’s our Purist and most Powerful form, a Proud combination of its for Fathers. We have infiltrated All Genres of Music as well as spread Globally like No other culture before it. We aren’t going anywhere… They thought it was gonna be a silly phase, composed of stolen parts of real music (Breaks) created on hand-me-down equipment (Two Turntables & a Mic). Who would, truly respect these Non Professional, untrained Orchestrator s? Creating what was considered a mishap (The Scratch) a primary operation when spinning and selecting Tunes. We Came… We Conquered!!! Now we’re the Main Vein & Bloodline to the Future of Music. Nothing moves without Hip Hop… So acknowledge your Lineage and Forever Reflect Your Culture – The Groundz we walk are Vital… Hip Hop Salute alldefdigital alldefmusic rosenbergradio hot97 power105

via Tumblr vitalgroundz: Hip Hop is you, its me – its Now Generationz (Grandmothers & Grandfathers grew up under this). It’s an evolution of the Soul, from those who have not… From the Beginning we have always lived by Rhythm and created Tempos in everyday Life: from Folklore, Hymns, Jazz to Soul Dub and R&B. Hip Hop is simply the title of the child created from all the above. It’s our Purist and most Powerful form, a Proud combination of its for Fathers. We have infiltrated All Genres of Music as well as spread Globally like No other culture before it. We aren’t going anywhere… They thought it was gonna be a silly phase, composed of stolen parts of real music (Breaks) created on hand-me-down equipment (Two Turntables & a Mic). Who would, truly respect these Non Professional, untrained Orchestrator s? Creating what was considered a mishap (The Scratch) a primary operation when spinning and selecting Tunes. We Came… We Conquered!!! Now we’re the Main Vein & Bloodline to the Future of Music. Nothing moves without Hip Hop… So acknowledge your Lineage and Forever Reflect Your Culture – The Groundz we walk are Vital… Hip Hop Salute alldefdigital alldefmusic rosenbergradio hot97 power105

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