Friday, July 27, 2018

Manipulating Complex Objects

Sometimes you may want to store data in a flexible Data Structure. A JavaScript object is one way to handle flexible data. They allow for arbitrary combinations of strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, functions, and objects.

Here's an example of a complex data structure:

var ourMusic = [
    "artist": "Daft Punk",
    "title": "Homework",
    "release_year": 1997,
    "formats": [
    "gold": true
This is an array which contains one object inside. The object has various pieces of metadata about an album. It also has a nested "formats" array. If you want to add more album records, you can do this by adding records to the top level array.

Objects hold data in a property, which has a key-value format. In the example above, "artist": "Daft Punk" is a property that has a key of "artist" and a value of "Daft Punk".

JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is a related data interchange format used to store data.

  "artist": "Daft Punk",
  "title": "Homework",
  "release_year": 1997,
  "formats": [
  "gold": true
You will need to place a comma after every object in the array, unless it is the last object in the array.

Add a new album to the myMusic array. Add artist and title strings, release_year number, and a formats array of strings.

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