Sunday, December 9, 2018

Catch Missing Open and Closing Parenthesis After a Function Call

Debugging: Catch Missing Open and Closing Parenthesis After a Function Call
When a function or method doesn't take any arguments, you may forget to include the (empty) opening and closing parentheses when calling it. Often times the result of a function call is saved in a variable for other use in your code. This error can be detected by logging variable values (or their types) to the console and seeing that one is set to a function reference, instead of the expected value the function returns.

The variables in the following example are different:

function myFunction() {
  return "You rock!";
let varOne = myFunction; // set to equal a function
let varTwo = myFunction(); // set to equal the string "You rock!"

Fix the code so the variable result is set to the value returned from calling the function getNine.

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